Archives par mot-clé : Nietzsche

Nip$ales présente: ALPS podcast 005


Podcast: Téléchargement

Welcome to the podcast of ALPS, the conference that wants to make us aware of psychedelic science and its effects on the psyche. A whole program with many speakers from Switzerland, Europe and all over the world. 

In this episode, syde welcomes Peter Sjöstedt-Hughes, Research Fellow and Lecturer at University of Exeter.

Dr Peter Sjöstedt-Hughes is a philosopher of mind and metaphysics who specializes in the thought of Spinoza, Nietzsche, and Whitehead, and in fields pertaining to altered and panpsychological states of consciousness. He has co-founded the Philosophy of Psychedelics Exeter Research Group.

Get all questions asked to Dr Sjöstedt-Hughes and more details on Odiolab’s website: