Archives par mot-clé : identité

NipCoin 013 – Crypto Identité


Podcast: Téléchargement

Cette semaine, @BCurdy vous a préparé un dossier sur la problématique de la Crypto Identité dans le cadre de la chaine de block 😉

Des objectifs simples:

A qui a-t-on à faire (réputation): social graph

Est-on sûr que nous communiquons avec la bonne personne

Actuellement (gestion des clés):



Dans la chaîne de blocs:

Gestion de document: (digital signature)

Le pionnier (déjà discuté): Namecoin.

Namecoin + OpenID = NameID.

Reputation: (ycombinator):

Facilite les transactions

remplace Google/Facebook login (dans le même goût:, basé sur Bitshares)

Keyhotee (, abandonné)

Every Keyhotee ID has a Born-On Date. The closer to the original Genesis Block, the greater the reputation value.

Every Keyhotee ID also has a Recognition of Contribution. This is what your reputation is worth to you based on what you’ve invested into it. Proof that your ID is not a sock-puppet of convenience.

Remplacé par Keygraph et keymail (?)


E-residents receive a smart ID-card with a microchip (contact chip) that contains two certificates: Certificate for authentication & Certificate for digital signatures

Digital authentication allows you to access different e-services (provided both by the public and private sector), and to log in to any online portals that recognize this type of authentication (such as internet banks, government portals etc). Digital authenticating requires you to enter a 4-digit PIN code, similar to your bank card.

Digital signing allows you to securely sign any type of documents from anywhere you are in the world, provided there is Internet access, with your 5-12 digit PIN code. Within EU, digital signatures are legally binding in all member states. Outside EU, digital signatures are legally binding in the case of mutual agreement between the parties.

Système de vote:

Bitnation (

idsystem | marriage & divorce | corporate incorporation | land registery | birth & death certificates | childcare contracts

Bonne écoute et à dans 2 semaines!