
Nip$ales présente: #Live-act électro à l »Afterwork closing party’ de Podkast.FM


Podcast: Téléchargement

To close this month of radio madness, what could be better than some live festivities on Podkast.FM ? To do it right, we’ve the K-Bane dj collective to spice up this afterwork among friends: friends of radio, podcasting and music of course !

On the afterwork menu: at about 20:30, an electro live-act by Swiss artist @SickSpud ; and launch of a new episode of the 5tracks podcast LIVE on Podkast.FM. No tracklisting this time, as this live-act was produced on-the-go. Hope you will enjoy it!

More music & podcasts on Odiolab’s website: www.odiolab.ch/series/5tracks/

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